Cybersecurity Training for Industrial Employees: Strengthening Defense Against Cyber Threats


In today’s digital age, industrial organizations are increasingly becoming targets of cyberattacks. Most successful attacks exploit the same weakness: humans. Protecting critical infrastructure and sensitive data is paramount, making it essential for industrial employees to be well-equipped to recognize and respond to cybersecurity threats. This webcast delves into the crucial topic of cybersecurity training for industrial workers, shedding light on the significance of this aspect and how it can fortify an organization’s defenses against cyber threats.

Learning Objectives

  • Recognize the evolving cyber threat landscape, with a focus on threats specific to industrial environments.
  • Understand the role of employees in cybersecurity and their impact on an organization’s overall security.
  • Appreciate the importance of cybersecurity training for industrial workers.
  • Identify common cyber threats and apply practical strategies to recognize them.
  • Know how to respond effectively to cybersecurity incidents, including the reporting and mitigation of threats.